Video – Sound Amazing Online

Last night I did an 5 minute talk at Ignite about sound amazing online and it was awesome! The video and slides are embedded below.

Here is what people are saying about it:

“Rishi is killing it, the crowd is cracking up #ignitesf
– Jon Bishop (Ignite Organizer) via twitter

“marketing wisdom and laughter in 5 min”
– Raymond Lau (Founder of PlayHaven) via LinkedIn

“R rated joke at 2:22 – I hope mom doesn’t see this.”
– Anand Desai (my brother) via Facebook


This was my favorite and probably most sarcastic comment:
“your speech was the best five minutes of my life.”
– Jamie Shah (Google Maps Finance High Roller) via Facebook

So, what did you think of the speech? Let me know in the comments.


  1. Awesome talk Rishi! Definitely the highest energy speaker of the group and you did a great job of being entertaining while providing practical tips people might actually use. What inspired you to want to do this, and how’d you come up with the topic?

    • Thanks Pete! I actually thought of the idea at Subway. I use to work in San Mateo and eat Subway 4-5 times a week. I became friends with one of their sandwich Artists, Carlos. He was awesome. Even though I would order the same thing everyday (Veggie Delight) he would mix things up by putting in new dressing and spices. This is when I became intrigued with the “Sandwich Artist” title.

  2. Awesome job Rish. You delivered lot’s of impactful content that is
    sure to stick with the audience.

  3. Awesome speech Rishi, really enjoyed it. I’m trying to figure out my “paper” title now. By the way, you should try P90x, I’m definitely a fan of the workouts.


  4. Great job Rishi. Your speech at Ignite SF was awesome. You make business fun:) Looking forward to the newsletter.

  5. I showed my girlfriend this video and she literally started clapping after the video was over. Nice work man!

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