Quote: The best customer service experience is when they never have to contact you.

Awesome Jeff Bezos Quote:

 5. Obsess over Customers. As Bezos said in his Wired interview, the best customer service experience is when they never have to contact you.

Forbes Article: 6 Things Jeff Bezos Knew Back in 1997 That Made Amazon a Gorilla

In my early days of Flying Cart it was my goal to get people to email and call us. We saw that as a sign of engagement.  We were completely wrong. People just want the product to work. Getting your email open and typing out a question is a lot of work and nobody wants to do it.

Remember the last time you contacted customer support? It was probably because the product didn’t work the way you wanted it to. The worst thing of all is only in very few cases does someone actually contact you – most people (like me) will just hit the back button until they find a product that works for them.

When someone contacts support with a question think about how you can solve it before they even ask it.


  1. I agree. I have had such bad experiences with customer support that I prefer to look for another company when I don’t get what I want.

  2. I agree with your message. But I’d also say the worst customer service is pretending that your customers never have to contact you by making it impossibly difficult for them to contact you. I see way too many companies doing that these days (e.g. Comcast, AT&T).

    • Hi Ankit – Totally agree with you.

      However, I don’t think you can compare companies like ATT and Comcast with web companies.

      ATT and Comcast customers demand 24/7 uptime. If your internet goes down for even a minute you notice it right away. This is very different from most web companies that get used on a weekly or monthly basis.


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